Monday, June 21, 2010

Tool #1 - Getting Started

Creating a blog is just as easy as I remember it being when I created this one for "23 Things". Adding the Voki was really interesting and I spent a lot of time looking at all the possibilities, listening to all the voices, playing with the features and backgrounds and...well, you get the idea! I finally settled on the 'Alien Plant' look...don't ask me why, I guess it just "grew on me" after a while (I know you at least smiled or grimaced at that). It was a lot of fun and I can just imagine how enjoyable my students would find the process as well.

I've been wanting to try blogging with my students for a while now, but just haven't been confident in how to get started...I see the potential and the benefits, but haven't been able to get going. I think the more direct district support will make it easier to begin this year and help parents understand our need to change our educational approach, but I wonder about possible resistance from parents who are worried about cyberbullying, etc. Hopefully, we can convince them that the benefits outweigh the risks and that we will be there to constantly monitor what is being "said" and to whom.

I already envision students having discussions amongst themselves about our classroom curriculum, sharing ideas with other classrooms and really building confident risk taking attitudes. I look forward to collaborating with other teachers to increase the interaction/sharing between our students to build a larger learning community. I can't wait to get started!


11 Tools Project Manager said...

does your Alien Plant talk? Maybe it is the computer I am using, but I don't see its mouth can type the message and let an automated voice say it.

Ms. P. said...

My alien plant should say, "Live to Learn", I picked the Samantha voice.