Sunday, June 27, 2010

Tools Reflections

My favorite tools were Bookr, Jing, and Screencast. I want to have my students create their own books using Bookr. I would also like to have them create their own videos uisng Jing and Screencast. I'm not sure what topics I would like for them to use yet, but I'm thinking maybe Science or Social Studies research for the Bookr project and maybe an introduction of themselves or an example of a chosen procedure for the Jing/Screencast project.

The main way my thinking has been changed by this training is by expanding my knowledge of the resources available for my students and me to use to enhance learning. I think that I will really be able to incorporate technology even more since we will be receiving the new equipment in the fall and I won't need to rely on scheduling the computer lab as often...the kids will have technology to help their learning right in the classroom which will help us use it more often.

I don't think there is anything that was really unexpected. Since I already took the "23 Things" course, I expected "11 Tools" to be just as helpful and it didn't disappoint. I feel that both trainings complimented each other with some overlap. I know there are several items I will need to continue to review for myself in order to make the "things" and "tools" second nature in planning and delivering instruction. I liked being able to work on the lessons at my own speed on my own schedule. The open ended nature of the activities allowed me to keep my practice projects as simple or complex as I wished.


Thornwood Library said...

Congratulations - you're such a techie! I'll be looking forward to working with your class next year on all these new applications!


Lisa Unger said...

I am so excited to work with you and your kids with our new technology next year. I know that you're going to take this knowledge and run with it!

Holly Mason said...

Karen Liska pointed me in your direction and told me you were an ace with this stuff...she was right! I enjoyed going through your blog and gaining ideas and figuring out how to really get through all of it!I am very excited to come and meet everyone and to use this great technology in the classroom!

Ms. P. said...

Thanks to all 3 of you for your positive comments. I know we are all going to have to be there to support each other as we learn about all of these new tools.

I was lucky enough to get to go to Frostwood and watch the presentations the kids in Problem Based summer school put together about events/items that can change the surface of the earth. They were using some of the same tools to create their presentations that we are learning about...I'm sure they will know more than we do! :)

Lisa, I liked your idea of collaborating on Math through a blog. I will be interested to see how that goes as you get it started this year. I'm sure people will appreciate being able to collaborate via technology instead of trying to schedule another meeting.

Holly, welcome to Thornwood...I look forward to meeting and working with you. :)