Monday, June 21, 2010

Tool #3 - Generators and Mashups

I liked using Bubblr and Bookr. I think Bubblr could be used by students to practice descriptive writing, poetry writing (a Haiku with a picture would be great), Math word problem writing, and I could go on and on and on. Bookr would be a wonderful way for kids to show animal research findings, create original narratives, etc. I can't wait to try these with my students. I have already tried the Wordle with them to display parts of speech and these two additional tools will be more enjoyable ways to differentiate my lessons!

Bubblr example

Bookr example

1 comment:

Ms.Chen said...

I love your koala book. Petting a koala at a wild animal center in Australia has definitely been one of the highlights of my summer. I have some pictures I'll have to show you! :)