Monday, June 23, 2008

Thing #9 - Useful Library-Related Blogs and News Feeds

The Cool Cat Teacher blog about selecting your "Circle of the Wise" was very helpful because those feelings of confusion were exactly what I wrote about in my previous post on Thing #8. I think that I found the Edublog Award Winners list one of the easiest ways to find feeds that I was interested in because of the category lists.

Technorati was really easy to use and I did not find it nearly as confusing as, which had a page that was just way too busy. A lot of them have pages that are too busy and I find they overwhelm me a bit (I think that they are an excellent way for adults to get the idea of the confusion students go through the first time they see the TAKS test!).

While I will continue to look for feeds on my own sometimes, I think Cool Cat really gave good advice about starting out subscribing to people you trust and then using their blog rolls to get possible ideas for others in which you might be interested.

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